Analisis Pemasaran Sayuran di Pasar Inpres Ruteng Kabupaten Manggarai
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Vegetable production in Manggarai Regency is still low so that it requires supplies from other regions. This study aims to identify vegetable marketing channels and to assess the efficiency of vegetable marketing channels by focusing on tomatoes, beans, mustard greens, and kale, as the most consumed vegetables in the Inpres Market in Ruteng City. To this end, this study applies marketing margin analysis, farmer acceptance percentage analysis (F's) and marketing efficiency analysis (Ep). The results find that Vegetable marketing channels at the Ruteng Inpres Market consist of Farmers - Consumers, Farmers - Retailers - Consumers, Farmers - Middlemen - Retailers - Consumers. Based on the difference in prices at farmers and prices at consumers, marketing of tomatoes using channel II is more efficient, while marketing of mustard, beans and kale using channel III is more efficient. Marketing of tomatoes, beans and kale using channel II is more efficient according to the large percentage of farmers' income compared to marketing mustard greens. Meanwhile, based on the profit margin percentage, marketing channel II is more profitable for retailers than channel III, because middlemen take a larger percentage of profits than retailers in marketing channel III. Furthermore, based on the comparison of marketing costs with selling prices, marketing of tomatoes, mustard greens and beans in channel III is more efficient than channel II, except for marketing of kale. Tomato, chickpea and kale farmers are advised to apply marketing channel II. The middleman in marketing channel III needs to reduce the percentage of profit taking so that the retailer is able to get a profit that approximates the profit of the middleman.
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