• Shiffa Febyarandika Shalichaty Politeknik KP Dumai
  • Putri Wening Ratrinia Politeknik KP Dumai
  • Muh Suryono Politeknik KP Dumai
  • Riama Gusnawati Politeknik KP Dumai
Keywords: Farmer's share, Marketing efficiency, Marketing margin, Shrimp paste


Fisheries sector in the Indragiri Hilir Regency is very potential, ranging from marine/catch fisheries to general fisheries. This potential is commonly used by the surrounding community, one of which is by making shrimp paste processing businesses.. The COVID-19 pandemic that hit almost all of Indonesia affected the production of shrimp paste processing carried out by the people of Tanjung Pasir Village. The purpose of this study was to determine the amount of marketing margin, marketing efficiency, and farmer's share before and after the Covid-19 pandemic and to analyze whether there were differences in marketing before and after the Covid-19 pandemic in Indragiri Hilir Regency. The results of this study are the value of the marketing margin before the covid-19 pandemic was Rp. 3,000, -/kg and after the covid pandemic, it was Rp. 13,000,-/kg. The value of marketing efficiency before the covid-19 pandemic was 5-5.75% and after the covid-19 pandemic was 3.33 - 3.83%. The farmer's share value before the covid-19 pandemic was 85% and after the covid-19 pandemic was 56.67%. The t-test shows that there is a difference in the marketing of shrimp paste processing business between before and after the Covid-19 pandemic with a t-count value of 2.638 > t-table 2.110. 


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