Fatchiya, Anna, Indonesia

  • Buletin Ekonomi Perikanan Vol. 5 No. 2 (2004): Buletin Ekonomi Perikanan - Articles
    Kemandirian Usaha Pembudidaya Ikan dalam Proyek Pembinaan Peningkatan Pendapatan Petani-Nelayan Kecil (P4K) di Desa Muktisari, Kecamatan Cipaku, Kabupaten Ciamis, Jawa Barat
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  • Buletin Ekonomi Perikanan Vol. 6 No. 1 (2005): Buletin Ekonomi Perikanan - Articles

    Fishery women may contribute Significantly in productive activities that lead to family welfare. There are several activities in which the fishery women participate such as sell fish, net repairment and manage small shop. This research is intended to explain women profile in fish processing. The research analysed the role of women in domestic and social aspect, and .their time allocation in various activities. The research result shows thet women keep making a balance contribution between domestic and socual activities. The fIShery women shows that they capable making decition on term .of household cashflow and food preparation. To promote women living quality, the govemment In coordination with various stakeholder could manage related empowerment program.

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  • Buletin Ekonomi Perikanan Vol. 6 No. 2 (2006): Buletin Ekonomi Perikanan - Articles

    One of the water pollution sources at ciliwung river in Jakarta is domestic waste which from household who live in the long side ciliwung riverbank. The aim of the research are (1) to know characteristic of community who live in the long side ciliwung riverbank (2) to know the attitude of the community who live in the long side riverbank about waste disposal to the river, inpact of this and the program of clean river, (3) to know the community who live in the long side riverbank to carry out of disposal waste, (4) to know factors influence the attitude of the community who live in the long side riverbank factors to concem domestic waste (5) to know factors influence of the community who live in the long side riverbank to carry out of disposal waste (6) to know correlation between attitude with behave to carry out disposal waste The research used survey method and be analyzed with non parametric statistic.


    The research show the following, (1) attitude of the community who live in the long side riverbank about waste disposal to the river is neutral but about inpact and program of dean river are positive, (2) the community who live in the long side riverbank behave negative in cflSpOSal waste, (3) factors influence the altitude of the community who live in the long side riverbank to concern domestic waste are:· age, legality status, and the distance between their hose with the river, (5) correlation between attitude with behave to carry out disposal waste is negative.

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  • Buletin Ekonomi Perikanan Vol. 6 No. 2 (2006): Buletin Ekonomi Perikanan - Articles
    The existence of a tour object is affected by the amount of the incoming visitor. Sea World Indonesia as one of the wisata aquatik objects in Indonesia also has to be able to see visitors as a detennining factor and as a main priority. It means without the visitors, the existence of the tour object means nothing. Therefore the best service and the adequate medium in enjoying Sea World Indonesia deserve an attention from the company it self. This research is aimed to identify any kinds of attribute that satisfied the visitors, how big is the satisfaction level of the visitors and the priorities that must be conducted by the company. The research method used in this research is a case study with the visitors of Sea World of Indonesia as the set of the case and, the visitor's satisfaction level Sea World Indonesia as the object researched.   The validity test and reliabilities test is done to see the validity and the reliability of the questioner as a main instrument of a data intake. Data analyze method used is Descriptive Analysis, Cochran Q Test Analysis, Importance and Pelformance Analysis. Result of the research showed that there are fourteen attributes that is capable to give satisfaction to the visitors which is; the diversity of the sea aquarium attritiute, the diversity of the freshwater aquarium, the main aquarium, the dugong aquarium, the touch pool, the nameplate of each species, the incoming ticket price, the sanitation of the location, the freshness of the location, the security of the location, the security officer, the toilet, the parking area and the access to the location, The incoming ticket price attribute, the divefsity of the freshwater aquarium and the parking area gives a low satisfaction. The attribute of sea aquarium diversity, the main aquarium, the species nameplate, the freshness of the location, the toilet and the access to the location showed medium satisfaction level The dugong aquarium attribute, the touch pool, the sanitation of the location, the security of the location and the security officer have given high satisfaction for the visitors of Sea World Indonesia.
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  • Buletin Ekonomi Perikanan Vol. 6 No. 2 (2006): Buletin Ekonomi Perikanan - Articles

    Migration is a strategy choosen by fishermen as a way out from their poverty: Many fishermen live in Muara Angke come from outside Jakarta. The objectives of the research are to identify characteristic of fisherman who migrate to Muara Angke and factors influence the fisherman to migrate to Muara Angke. The method use in this research is a case study and analyzed by descriptive and non parametric statistic. The research showed that push migration factor was decreasing of fish yield caused by over fishing which bring iI.,.,act to deaeasing as their income. And the pull migration factors were so many work opportunities, bustling town, and the many facilities could be accessed by them including fish marketing matter in destination area.


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  • Buletin Ekonomi Perikanan Vol. 6 No. 3 (2006): Buletin Ekonomi Perikanan - Articles

    A cooperative is business voluntary owned and controlled by its member patrons, and operated for them on a non profit. Its mean that cooperative is an economic system with social content. So, cooperative suits coastal communities, especially for fishermen that majority of them living in under poverty line. KUD Mina Fajar Sidik is one of the fisheries cooperative in Indonesia get award as independent cooperative. The objectives of the study are: (1) to identify the performance of fisheries cooperative KUD Mina Fajar Sidik, (2) to identify the KUD Mina Fajar Sidik role in coastal communities, (3) to identify the internal and external factors which influence the performance of fIsheries cooperative KUD Mina Fajar Sidik. The research shows that: (1) The performance of fisheries cooperative KUO Mina Fajar Sidik is very good, because apply the cooperative principles, (2) KUD Mina Fajar Sidik takes important role in coastal communities on economic and social sectors, (3) The main internal factors which influence the performance of fisheries cooperative KUD Mina Fajar Sidik are applied the cooperative principles (as strength) and human resources of their member poorly (as weakness). Another hand, the main external factors are the govemment concem to cooperative is very good (as opportunity) and unpredictable climate and over fIShing (as threat)

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  • Buletin Ekonomi Perikanan Vol. 6 No. 3 (2006): Buletin Ekonomi Perikanan - Articles
    Level of education in fishermen community is a low classified, one of something is because of the poverty in the fisherman community. In other, fishermen perception about formal education will influential to the level of education in fishermen community. This research have a direction to know the fishermen perception level about formal education, to know the factors that influence it, to know the relation between that perception with the fishermen behavior to sent their children to school, and to know how much percentage of cost that their spent to their children education. This research used the cased study method, and analyzed descriptively. The result of the research showed that almost of fishermen in the Rembang District, Rembang Regency, Central Java Province have a high perception level about formal education. The factors that influence it such as age level in the present, the children value for the future, their hope for'their children jobs, community value, and the policy of the local governmant in Rembang Regency about education. The relation between fishermen perception about formal education with the fishermen behavior to sent their children to school have real and positive characters. The cost of the education that spent by fishermen family to their children have an average value. That average value is about 18.25 % from the total of their total spending.  
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  • Buletin Ekonomi Perikanan Vol. 7 No. 2 (2007): Buletin Ekonomi Perikanan - Articles
    Leadership is very important to improve a community group as like the fish farmer group in KUIH Telaga Biru, Desa Parigi Mekar, Ciseeng, Bogor. The research in focuses on how principal, commitment and a figure of group's leader, and the style of the leadership. From the research, it has been the shown that group's leader use the leadership principal of Muhammad SAW as like sidiq, tab/igh, amanah, dan fathonah. Group's leader regard their members as a leader, and the group's leader was a model leader to group members, also he have huge commitment in the interest of the group.
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  • Buletin Ekonomi Perikanan Vol. 7 No. 2 (2007): Buletin Ekonomi Perikanan - Articles
    Cinta Tzu Chi 2 Muara Angke flat is one of some alternative home to people especially fishermen who lived in Kali Adem riverbank. Develop the flat sponsored by Budha Tzu Chi Foundation. How the attitude's people to live in this flat is important to know, so the aim of this research were: to know how level of their attitude to live in this flat, to identify of factors that correlate with attitude, and  the fit of the attitude with behaviour to live in this flat. The result of research showed that (1) the attitude's people to live in this flat was in the good level, their reason was live in the flat is better than live in the riverbank, (2) The internal factor was the floor level of the flat and the external factors were the rules of conduct from Cinta Kasih Tzu Chi 2 management and the conditions of their house when they have been lived in riverbank those influenced attitue'people to live in this flat, (3) There were positif or negatif correlation between the attitude with behaviour in the people who live in this flat. The positif correlations were on the domestic activities (children carieng, family gathering), rule of conduct (paying of bill) and social activities (freedom to activities), another side the negative correlation are on domestic activities (keeping of cleaning and good looking of the flat environment)  
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  • Buletin Ekonomi Perikanan Vol. 7 No. 1 (2007): Buletin Ekonomi Perikanan - Articles

    The auotonomy of the fisherrmen comunities to prepare of the oil is important to be developed, where it would help them to decrease the dependence of oil. Another hand, source of alternative energy available in the coastal area. So, to socialized the energy alternatif for them should use andragogy approach The literature study focuses on what learning theory suitable for adult, and what the kind of altemative energy could be improve for them. The study show that student centered learning is suitable for adult, and the kinds of alternative energy could be improve  for fisherrmen communities were: thrifty charcoal stove, Pl TM, biodiesel, dan solar energy.

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  • Buletin Ekonomi Perikanan Vol. 8 No. 2 (2008): Buletin Ekonomi Perikanan - Articles

    Social action model with program of cultivation of crab is one of the problem solving altematives of conflict among branchish waterpond society with govemment (Ministry of Forestry of Republic of Indonesia ·Perhutani"). There are different interest among them that the coastal (mangrove forest) in order to a conservation and another side to living of the branch ish waterpond community. The objectives of the research were (1) to describe of the social action components in the study location, and (2) to design a social action model with program of cultivation oferab. The research showed that (1) social action components indicated as (1) the actor components were branchish waterpond and "Perhutani", (b) situational and problem component was a conflict of different interest among coastal pond communitiy with "Perhutani", (c) the objective component mangrove was in order to living for the branch ish waterpond, but for "Perhutani" it was in order to conservation thing, (d) the value and norm component (e) there are legal formal and tradition (informal) about coastal management were adopted by them, and the way of the objective component by branch ish waterpond the mangrove in order to cultivate of fish, settlement, and firewood, and by Perhutani was monitoring and controlling of this (2) the principles of social action were participation, empowering, autonomy, and sustainability. To design of social action model systematically with step by step way. Firstly, planning (data collecting, data analyzing, problem identification, priority problem ellection, decide objective of program), input identlcation, decide of output, decide of outcomes, and evaluation


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