One of the water pollution sources at ciliwung river in Jakarta is domestic waste which from household who live in the long side ciliwung riverbank. The aim of the research are (1) to know characteristic of community who live in the long side ciliwung riverbank (2) to know the attitude of the community who live in the long side riverbank about waste disposal to the river, inpact of this and the program of clean river, (3) to know the community who live in the long side riverbank to carry out of disposal waste, (4) to know factors influence the attitude of the community who live in the long side riverbank factors to concem domestic waste (5) to know factors influence of the community who live in the long side riverbank to carry out of disposal waste (6) to know correlation between attitude with behave to carry out disposal waste The research used survey method and be analyzed with non parametric statistic.
The research show the following, (1) attitude of the community who live in the long side riverbank about waste disposal to the river is neutral but about inpact and program of dean river are positive, (2) the community who live in the long side riverbank behave negative in cflSpOSal waste, (3) factors influence the altitude of the community who live in the long side riverbank to concern domestic waste are:· age, legality status, and the distance between their hose with the river, (5) correlation between attitude with behave to carry out disposal waste is negative.
Compensation as appreciation for surrender and present all of employee wo/t(s result to belong to centre, divided to financial and non financial. Financial compensation among other things are direct financial, one of its insentive and indirect financial in formed subsidy. Looking for insentive characteristic which is to take directly between employees reward with prestation of work that they reach, therefore insentive giving would be motivating the employee to increase their prestation of works.
This research was conducted to analysis of insentive system which used by BPBILAPU Pangandaran, to identificate many factors which decided amount of insentive that employee get and to analysis the using·of insentive system which more efective based of merit system.
Spending too much operational costs are still become mainly problem in bisnis organization include PT DEF which move in Frozen Shrimp production. This is important for performing prevention act and reaction act to decrease this waste costs . The prevention act can be doing by performing HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point) In production process. Reaction act can be done by performing SPC (Statistical Process Control) analyze methode.
Before performing HACCP, the bisnis units are must be complied by pre-requisite programs which is SSOP (Standard Sanitation Operating Procedure) and GMP (Good Manufacturing Peractices). SPC analyze performed by problem identification, Pareto Diagram, Fishbone Diagram, and Control Chart Diagram. Calculating waste costs production performed after performing HACCP and performing SPC.
The result of the study showed that HACCP at PT DEF has B level. Also error indicate in packing and labeling. Total loss of error is Rp. 12500 and loss of time was 75 minutes In 171 prodUction turnover.
Migration is a strategy choosen by fishermen as a way out from their poverty: Many fishermen live in Muara Angke come from outside Jakarta. The objectives of the research are to identify characteristic of fisherman who migrate to Muara Angke and factors influence the fisherman to migrate to Muara Angke. The method use in this research is a case study and analyzed by descriptive and non parametric statistic. The research showed that push migration factor was decreasing of fish yield caused by over fishing which bring iI.,.,act to deaeasing as their income. And the pull migration factors were so many work opportunities, bustling town, and the many facilities could be accessed by them including fish marketing matter in destination area.
Produksi perikanan di dunia sebesar 50% berasal dari perikanan budidaya dan kira-kira 98% diantaranya dihasilkan di Asia termasuk Indonesia. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk rnelihat gambaran umum dari budidaya ikan mas dan pennasalahannya di Indonesia. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah survey dan menggunakan data statistik tahunan dan data primer.
Budidaya ikan mas di Indonesia biasanya dilakukan di kolam, keramba dan sawah. Jenis ikan mas lokal di Indonesia adalah Sinyonya, Cumpai, Ksnaadomss, Punten, dan MSjslsya, sedangkan ikan mas yang berasal dari hasil silangan yaitu Kuningan, Sutisna,Rsjsdanu. Kedua jenis hasil silangan ini diintroduksi di Jawa Barat dan Nusa Tenggara Barat.
Masalah utama yang dialami dalam budidaya ikan mas di Indonesia adalah tingkat produksi yang masih rendah. yang disebabkan oleh input teknologi pakan. dan kualitas yang rendah sebagai akibat penurunan kualitas lingkungan. Masalah yang lain adalsh halga berfluktuasi harga yang diterima oleh pembudidaya yang rendah. keterbatasa infrastruktur pasar dan kurangnya dukungan dari lembaga keuangan.