Fishery women may contribute Significantly in productive activities that lead to family welfare. There are several activities in which the fishery women participate such as sell fish, net repairment and manage small shop. This research is intended to explain women profile in fish processing. The research analysed the role of women in domestic and social aspect, and .their time allocation in various activities. The research result shows thet women keep making a balance contribution between domestic and socual activities. The fIShery women shows that they capable making decition on term .of household cashflow and food preparation. To promote women living quality, the govemment In coordination with various stakeholder could manage related empowerment program.
A case study with aim to know impact development of port of fishery to absorbtion of labour and earnings of vinicity society has been conduct in August till Octooer 2004. Research executed at society around Port of Fishery of Coast of Lempasing, 8andar Lampung. Determination of respondent at the location port of fishery selected by using purposive sampling method. Data collecting use some materials assist by questionaire. Overall \jf data was analyzed, through either deScriptive and statistic. Result of research indicated that various society group pursuant to the kind of livelihood (fisherman, trader, labour, farmer and fish processor) express that development of port of fishery of coast of Lempasing have positive impact due to absorbtion of labour and improvement of earnings of the vinicity society. The absorbtion of society in some livelihood such fisherman, traders, labour and fish processor are subsequently increase until 90,63%, 73,31%, 82,81% and 29,63%. While, the absorption of labor force in farmer has indicated that the farmer was decline until 40,63%. Improvement of biggest earnings seen at fISh trader society group 113,41 %, while earnings of fldh processor and labour fish up to 101,08% and 54,07%. Improvement of earnings also happened in farmer society group by up to 102,50%. Despite, the improvement of earnings at fisherman SOCiety happened with smallest percentage that is only 44,93%.
Competency-Based Human Resource Management (CBHRM) is a new model of performance management which synchronized the business strategy and the human resources strategy in order to reach the goal of an organization. It is also one of the concepts to build the core competencies of a company to get their competitive advantages. ThiS research analyzed the business strategy and the arrangement of CBHRM action plan in PT XYZ. Two methods were use to reach the goal of the research. The methods are SWOT analysis and Performance Improvement Planning (PIP). The result shows that PT XYZ could implement three alternative sfrategies as their grand strategies. The grand strategies are: (1) implementing the ISO system along with training and development, especially the training that related to the ISO system, for their employees, (2) pursuing continuous improvement and also (3) expanding their market share. Based on the analysis by using PIP method, PT XYZ has ten fastics to build their employees competencies in adopting the concepts of CBHRM. Several of the tactics are: (1) socializing vision and mission of the company, (2) arranging training and development, (3) tightening the supervision of the prosses and products.
Pengembangan metode Rapid Appraisal for Fisheries (RAPFISH) yang mulai diperkenalkan oleh Fisheries Center, University of Columbia di tahun 1999 sa at ini telah banyak dilakukan di berbagai negara. Namun demikian, RAPFISH sebagai suatu metode untuk mengukur dan menggambarkan kondisi lestari sumberdaya kelautan dan perikanan di suatu tempat atau wilayah masih tetap aktual untuk dilakukan di Indonesia. Masih relevannya penggunaan analisis RAPFISH di Indonesia dikarenakan data-clata aktual yang menggambarkan kondisi wilayah pengelolaan perairan di Indonesia masih sangat minim. Oi sisi lain kebutuhan akan pengelolaan yang berkelanjutan atas wilayah tersebut semakin mendesak. Makalah ini memaparkan upaya pengembangan metode RAPFISH yang sesuai dengan kondisi perikanan tangkap di Indonesia. Kesesuaian metode RAPFISH ini diharapkan dapat menggambarkan dengan cepat dan akurat suatu kondisi pemanfaatan dan pengelolaan perikanan tangkap di suatu wilayah, sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai indicator kinerja pembangunan berkelanjutan perikanan tangkap di Indonesia.