The Resolution Strategy of Agrarian Conflict in The Case of Right-To-Cultivate Plantation of PT Maskapai Perkebunan Moelia in Cianjur Regency
Background: Land plays a crucial role in human life and national development; however, its limited availability often triggers conflicts related to land ownership and utilization. One significant conflict occurred between PT Maskapai Perkebunan Moelia (MPM) and local communities in Cianjur Regency, which was resolved through government intervention by the Ministerial Regulation of ATR/BPN No. 17 of 2020. This resolution, involving land redistribution, is expected to serve as a model for addressing land conflicts in other plantations across Indonesia. Therefore, it is essential to examine the strategies used in this resolution and apply them to similar cases. It is important to research this success further so that similar conflict resolution strategies can be applied in other regions in Indonesia
Purpose: This research aims to identify the factors influencing land conflict resolution and formulate priority strategies for addressing such conflicts.
Design/methodology/approach: This study adopts a positivist approach with a quantitative method conducted over one month at PT Maskapai Perkebunan Moelia. Data consists of primary and secondary sources, collected through observation, questionnaires, interviews, and literature review. Analytical tools used include EFE, IFE, SWOT, and QSPM to identify key strategies for resolving the HGU conflict at PT. MPM in Cianjur, with priority strategies focusing on building partnerships with relevant stakeholders.
Findings/Result: The factors that affect the resolution of agrarian conflicts in this case are divided into two, namely internal and external factors. Internal factors include Cianjur Regency Land Office and the Regional Government of Cianjur Regency, while external factors include PT. MPM and the community. Strategy includes identifying all interested parties in land issues, such as local governments, indigenous peoples, landowners, cultivating communities, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), and academic institutions. In addition, the second strategy is to encourage community empowerment through various facilitation activities (Access Reform), which aims to increase the capacity of local communities. Third, it is necessary to implement strategic measures to strengthen the internal at the Ministry of ATR/BPN to achieve the goal of resolving land conflicts in a multisectoral manner. Fourth, institutional and community empowerment must be focused on strengthening the organization through targeted cooperation.
Conclusion: This study identifies accommodation, collaboration, and compromise as the main conflict management styles in the PT. MPM HGU land dispute. Strategic factors influencing resolution include ATR/BPN synergy, limited resources, local government support, and land shortages. Priority strategies for effective resolution focus on stakeholder collaboration, community empowerment, and internal coordination.
Originality/value (State of the art): This research provides a new, more structured, innovative approach to resolving right to cultivate (HGU) conflicts
Keywords: land, agrarian conflict, priority strategies, stakeholder participation