Peer-Review Process
Peer review is a process by which independent experts in the field evaluate the validity, significance, and originality of the manuscript to help the authors improve their work and the editor to make a decision on publication. The purpose of peer review is to ensure that journals publish sound science. This benefits the entire scientific community.
Agromet follows the double blind peer-review process for submissions of all manuscripts to its journals. Editorial Team handles all correspondence with the corresponding author and makes the final decision whether the manuscript is accepted, rejected, or returned to the author for revision. All discussions between the author and Editorial Team during the publication process should be conducted via Online Journal System (OJS).
The following flowchart depicts all the processing steps from Submission to Publication including the peer-review process.
Editorial rejection
There are two main reasons that a manuscript can be rejected. A manuscript can be rejected either before or after peer review.
Lack of scientific soundness or ethics:
- Theories, concepts, or conclusions presented in the manuscript are not fully supported by the data, arguments, and information
- Plagiarism
- Poor experimental design, or faulty or insufficient statistical analysis
- Lack of appropriate ethical approval, participant consent or permissions for the use of data or materials
These problems mean that your manuscript is not suitable for publication in its current form and a lot of work is needed to improve it.
Lack of novelty or poor presentation:
- Lack of sufficient detail for readers to fully understand the authors` analysis
- No proper structure
- Poor language quality
- No new findings
- No clear explanation of which parts of the findings are novel, versus what was already known
- Not enough detail about materials and methods to allow other scientists to repeat the experiment
- Improper statistical analysis
- No clear explanations
- No proper reference to the latest literature on the topic