Effect of Enriched Feed by Different n-6 Fatty Acids Levels at 0% of n-3 on Danio rerio Reproductive Performance

  • N.B.P Utomo Bogor Agricultural University, Department of Aquaculture
  • A. Rosmawati Bogor Agricultural University, Department of Aquaculture
  • I. Mokoginta Bogor Agricultural University, Department of Aquaculture


Lipid and fatty acids are two factors determining reproductive performance of fish and survival rate of hatched larvae. Lipid has important role as energy source and to maintain the stability of membrane permeability.  The requirement of fatty acids differs among fish species.  Freshwater fishes need more n-6 than n-3 fatty acids, or appropriate combination of them.  In several fish species, feeding HUFA increase their fecundity, fertilization rate and eggs quality.  In this study, zebra fish, Danio rerio were fed with diet containing 0% n-3 essential fatty acids and different n-6 level; 0, 1 and 2%.  The result showed that there were no significant differences in gonado somatic index and several reproductive performances observed.  However, 1% of n-6 fatty acids supplementation produced a higher protein and lipid content in the body by 16.85% and 55.10%, respectively.

Keywords: fatty acid, n-3, n-6, Danio rerio, reproductive performance



Lemak dan asam lemak merupakan faktor yang sangat mempengaruhi performa reproduksi dan kelangsungan hidup larva yang menetas. Lemak berperan penting sebagai sumber energi dan menjaga kestabilan permeabilitas membran. Kebutuhan asam lemak berbeda untuk setiap jenis ikan.  Ikan air tawar biasanya lebih banyak membutuhkan asam lemak n-6 daripada asam lemak n-3 atau campuran asam lemak n-6 dan n-3. Pada beberapa ikan , pemberian HUFA melalui pakan induk dapat meningkatkan fekunditas, derajat pembuahan dan kualitas telur.  Pada penelitian ini ikan zebra diberi pakan mengandung asam lemak esensial dengan kadar n-3 tetap (0%) dan n-6 berbeda yaitu 0, 1 dan 2%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan nyata terhadap nilai Gonado Somatik Indeks serta beberapa parameter penampilan reproduksi lainnya pada ikan zebra, Danio rerio. Namun kadar asam lemak n-3 sebesar 0% dan n-6 sebesar 1% menghasilkan kadar protein dan kadar lemak tubuh tertinggi yang masing-masing mencapai 16,85% dan 55,10%

Kata kunci: asam lemak,  n-3, n-6, Danio rerio, performa reproduksi


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How to Cite
UtomoN., RosmawatiA. and MokogintaI. 2007. Effect of Enriched Feed by Different n-6 Fatty Acids Levels at 0% of n-3 on Danio rerio Reproductive Performance. Jurnal Akuakultur Indonesia. 5, 1 (Jan. 2007), 51-56. DOI:https://doi.org/10.19027/jai.5.51-56.