Isolation, identification, and pathogenicity tests of pathogenic bacterial associated with black body syndrome in white barramundi Lates calcarifer B.

  • Akmal Izwar Aquaculture Science, Department of Aquaculture, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, IPB University , Dramaga, West Java, Indonesia 16680
  • Sri Nuryati Department of Aquaculture, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, IPB University, Dramaga, West Java, Indonesia 16680
  • Rahman Department of Aquaculture, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, IPB University, Dramaga, West Java, Indonesia 16680
  • Rini Purnomowati Centre for Mariculture Research Development, Lampung


This study aimed to obtain the pathogenicity of isolated bacteria from maribund barramundi Lates calcarifer with
black body syndrome (BBS). Moribund barramundi was collected from the Center for Mariculture Development
(BBPBL), Lampung Province. Five of pathogenic bacteria were found, i.e. Pseudomonas stutzeri L01, Vibrio
harveyi, Bacillus cereus, Salinococcus roseus, and Pseudomonas stutzeri L02. The bacteria were tested for LD50
to obtain two types of high virulent bacteria to be used for the pathogenicity test. P. stutzeri L01 and V. harveyi were
the most virulent bacteria with a bacterial density of 107 CFU/mL. Both bacteria were used for pathogenicity test
with three treatments: injection of P. stutzeri L01, V. harveyi, mix P. stutzeri L01 and V. harveyi, and phosphatebuffered saline as control. Clinical symptoms showed a blackened body, bleeding under the belly, and inactive.
Mortality of fish injected with P. stutzeri L01, V. harveyi and mix P. stutzeri L01 and V. harveyi was 53.33%,
55.00%, and 58.33%, respectively. Erythrocyte and hemoglobin in all treatments were not significantly different
(P>0.05). However, there was significantly different in the total leukocytes of mixed P. stutzeri and V. harveyi
treatment (P<0.05). In conclusion, P. stutzeri L01, V. harveyi and mix of them resulted in black body syndrome
(BBS) disease. Coinfection of P. stutzeri L01 and V. harveyi produce higher mortality than single infection.
Keywords: barramundi, black body syndrome, histopathology, pathogenicity
Penelitian ini bertujuan mendapatkan patogenisitas bakteri dari ikan kakap putih L. calcarifer yang memiliki
gejala black body syndrome (BBS). Ikan diambil dari Balai Besar Pengembangan Budidaya Laut (BBPBL),
Lampung. Lima jenis bakteri patogen ditemukan, yaitu Pseudomonas stutzeri L01, Vibrio harveyi, Bacillus cereus,
Salinococcus roseus, dan Pseudomonas stutzeri L02. Bakteri diuji LD50 untuk mendapatkan dua jenis bakteri
virulen tinggi yang akan digunakan untuk uji patogenisitas. P. stutzeri L01 dan V. harveyi adalah bakteri paling
virulen dengan kepadatan bakteri 107 CFU/mL. Uji patogenisitas dengan tiga perlakuan: injeksi P. stutzeri L01,
V. harveyi, campuran P. stutzeri L01 dan V. harveyi, serta phosphate-buffered saline sebagai kontrol. Gejala klinis
menunjukkan tubuh menghitam, perdarahan di bawah perut, dan pergerakan tidak aktif. Mortalitas ikan yang
disuntik dengan P. stutzeri L01, V. harveyi dan campuran P. stutzeri L01 dan V. harveyi masing-masing sebesar
53,33%, 55,00%, dan 58,33%. Eritrosit dan hemoglobin pada semua perlakuan tidak berbeda nyata (P>0,05).
Namun, ada perbedaan yang signifikan dalam total leukosit perlakuan campuran P. stutzeri L01 dan V. harveyi
(P<0,05). P. stutzeri L01, V. harveyi dan campuran P. stutzeri L01, V. harveyi dapat menyebabkan black body
syndrome (BBS). Koinfeksi P. stutzeri L01 dan V. harveyi menghasilkan mortalitas lebih tinggi daripada infeksi
Kata kunci: barramundi, black body syndrome, histopatologi, patogenisitas


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How to Cite
Akmal Izwar, Sri Nuryati, Rahman and Rini Purnomowati 2020. Isolation, identification, and pathogenicity tests of pathogenic bacterial associated with black body syndrome in white barramundi Lates calcarifer B. Jurnal Akuakultur Indonesia. 19, 1 (May 2020), 39-49. DOI: