Optimalisasi Pertanian melalui Pemanfaatan Lahan Sempit dan Pengolahan Sampah Organik di Kampung Cicere, Cigudeg

  • Fiona Ramadhini Institut Pertanian Bogor
  • Afif Miftahur Rohman Institut Pertanian Bogor
  • Azzahratul Ulya Institut Pertanian Bogor
Keywords: Cicere Village, compost fertilizer, environment, food security, SI-LEISA, vertical farming


The village of Cicere in Bogor Regency faces environmental issues due to excessive chemical fertilizers and waste burning. Excessive use of chemical fertilizers degrades soil quality, while waste burning produces harmful pollutants. To address these issues, Kampung Cicere has become a model village for the SI-LEISA program (System Integration-Low External Input Sustainable Agriculture), which includes yard gardening socialization, waste sorting, composting, and vertical farming. This program is implemented through socialization and direct demonstrations to the residents of Kampung Cicere. The gardening socialization involves participants and focuses on waste sorting, composting, and vertical farming. Waste sorting is conducted door-to-door, producing organic waste processed into compost. The composting initiative has been successful, with the produced compost meeting the success indicators. The vertical farming program has also been successfully implemented, with plants growing well, albeit slightly smaller than those grown using conventional methods. The implementation of the SI-LEISA program received a positive response from the community. Utilizing yard space for vegetable cultivation has the potential to improve family food security and maintain environmental sustainability. The ease of implementation enhances the program's sustainability potential.


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