Pembuatan Es Krim Mangrove sebagai Upaya Pengembangan Ide Inovasi Pangan UMKM Desa Kaliwlingi

  • Putri Sausan Azzahra Alindra Institut Pertanian Bogor
  • Annisa Nur Rohmah Institut Pertanian Bogor
  • Sabam Institut Pertanian Bogor
  • Raihani Hasna Astandifiyah Institut Pertanian Bogor
  • Syuhaira Asyva Winanda Institut Pertanian Bogor
  • Fathurrahman Bin Muhammad Fathullah Institut Pertanian Bogor
  • Fatimah Azzahra Institut Pertanian Bogor
  • Dita Amalia Fitri Institut Pertanian Bogor
  • Selma Destiana Fitri Institut Pertanian Bogor
  • Edwina Gabriela Tesalonika Mustamu Institut Pertanian Bogor
  • Ahmad Yani Institut Pertanian Bogor
Keywords: food innovation, ice cream, mangrove, pandemic


The Covid-19 pandemic that has hit Indonesia since 2020 has significantly impacted society's economic and tourism sectors. The Pandansari Kaliwlingi Mangrove Tourism Village is also facing a very drastic decline in income due to the effects of the pandemic. The number of tourists, a source of income for the community, has decreased, resulting in a decline in the community's economic gain. The socialization activity for making mangrove ice cream was held in collaboration between IPB KKN-T students and the Kaliwlingi Village PKK Group, a group actively involved in developing village MSMEs. This activity was held at the Kaliwlingi Village Hall, Brebes District, Brebes Regency, on July 27, 2022, and was attended by 21 women members of the PKK. The activity began with an introduction to api-api mangrove leaves, which are used as raw material for making mangrove ice cream. It continued with a demonstration of making ice cream and a preference test using the hedonic test method for the results of the mangrove ice cream that had been made. This activity generated ideas for PKK members regarding innovative mangrove ice cream food products and an understanding of their manufacture. The preference test for mangrove ice cream produced data that 61.9% of participants liked it, 23.8% liked it very much, and 14.3% liked it somewhat. The results of observations using a qualitative approach show that the community can understand how to use mangrove leaves in making mangrove ice cream, which is presented in the socialization material, and mangrove ice cream has become a food innovation idea to be developed by Kaliwlingi Village MSMEs.


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