Edukasi PHBS dan Budaya 5R Pada Santri Putra di Pondok Pesantren Thoyyibah Al Islami Bogor

  • Fany Apriliani Institut Pertanian Bogor
  • Henny Endah Anggraeni Institut Pertanian Bogor
  • Ika Resmeiliana Institut Pertanian Bogor
  • Yudith Vega Paramitadevi Institut Pertanian Bogor
Keywords: 5R culture, CHLB, education, islamic boarding schools, training


Pesantren is an islamic educational institution that educates students based on religious knowledge and general education. The problems that are often encountered in Islamic boarding schools include health, environment, and student behavior. The condition is not clean and well-maintained, as well as cases of disease transmission among students. Efforts to overcome this problem include educating the students to implement clean and healthy living behavior (CHLB) and the 5R culture (sort, set in order, shine, standardize, dan self discipline). The purpose is to educate on the implementation of CHLB and 5R culture in male boarding schools in Thoyyibah Al Islami Bogor and find out how far the implementation of CHLB and 5R culture is among male students. The methods are CHLB training and 5R culture, using questionnaires, evaluating, and making learning media. The evaluation results show that all students know the theory of CHLB. Student’s knowledge of 5R culture increased by 59,1%. As many as 80% of students had suffered from scabies. The 5R habit that needs to be improved is separating items that are still needed and no longer needed, placing items in their place, and giving identity to the ownership of the goods, and maintaining a clean environment. CHLB practices that need to be improved are mainly in the provision of clean water and balanced nutritional food, waste management, hand washing procedures, and efforts to eradicate mosquito larvae. Activities to ensure the continuity of the program include regular training and assistance to evaluate the 5R culture and CHLB.


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