Aplikasi Irigasi Cerdas di P4S Buana Lestari, Kabupaten Nganjuk, Jawa Timur

  • Prastowo Prastowo Institut Pertanian Bogor
  • Satyanto Krido Saptomo Institut Pertanian Bogor
  • Bonjok Istiaji Institut Pertanian Bogor
Keywords: efficiency, nutrition, smart irrigation, water


This activity aims to conduct trials and make pilots of one form of smart irrigation application in melon cultivation with a hydroponic system, as well as to increase farmers' knowledge in managing irrigation schedules. The expected outcome is increased irrigation efficiency, productivity of irrigation water, and farm income. The technology used in this activity is an IoT-based smart irrigation system. The smart irrigation system used consists of a soil moisture sensor that will detect the wetness of the soil, planted at a depth according to the irrigation technical needs. Information from the sensors will be entered into a programmable controller that has an Internet of Things (IoT) function with a wireless connection to a cloud server. The measurement results of the EU value on the installed drip irrigation network are classified as high, which ranges from 81.55% – 83.24%. This means that wherever the position of the sensor is installed, it will relatively represent (actual) the condition of the water content of the planting medium in the field. The application of smart irrigation can increase the efficiency of drip irrigation in melon cultivation with a hydroponic system, namely saving nutrient water by 6,500 mL per plant, or 7.64% or the equivalent of Rp183,00/melon plant. With smart irrigation applications, the productivity of irrigation water and nutrition is 20 grams of melon per 1 L of irrigation water. The trial of this smart irrigation application needs to be continued with an "on-demand" irrigation scheduling system, to obtain the highest irrigation efficiency and water productivity.


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Saptomo SK, Arif C, Suwarno WB, Agustina H, Putra AG, Wiranto, Tamura K, Matsuda H, Setiawan BI. 2021a. Development of laboratory scale model of field automatic water control system with sheetpipe technology. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. https://doi.org/10.1088/1755-1315/871/1/012041

Saptomo SK, Rudiyanto, Askari M, Arif C, Suwarno WB, Adlan, Rusianto, Setiawan BI, Tamura K, Matsuda H. 2021b. Experimental and numerical investigation of laboratory scale sheetpipe-typed automatic subsurface irrigation. Communications in Science and Technology. 6(2):117–24. https://doi.org/10.21924/cst.6.2.2021.604

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