The Effect of Environmental Knowledge and Perceived Value on Visitor Experience in Forest Recreation

Fitri Rahmafitria, Kaswanto, Amarizni Mosyaftiani, Harityas Wiyoga


Vandalism and environmental degradation pose challenges in natural recreation areas, prompting the need for interventions to promote environmental consciousness and nature appreciation. This study investigates the role of knowledge and perceived value in enhancing ecological experiences. A five-point Likert scale survey was distributed to 235 visitors at Djuanda Forest Park in Bandung, Indonesia. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM-PLS) was employed to analyze direct and indirect influences. The results demonstrate that enhancing ecological perceived value positively impacts visitors' interactions with nature. Moreover, increased actual knowledge regarding environmental degradation enhances the perceived value of outdoor recreation in natural settings. These findings highlight the importance of developing educational programs in natural recreation areas to support sustainable environmental practices.


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Fitri Rahmafitria (Primary Contact)
Amarizni Mosyaftiani
Harityas Wiyoga
Author Biographies

Fitri Rahmafitria, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Dr. Fitri Rahmafitria, SP, M.Si is a lecturer at Resort and Leisure Management at Indonesia University of Education (UPI), Bandung, Indonesia, Faculty of Social Science Education since 2008, and was the head of this program from 2011-2018. She has bachelor's and master's degrees in landscape architecture from IPB University. Her doctoral degree was granted from Urban and Regional Planning of Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB). Her research interest concerns tourism planning and development, particularly in the field of nature-based destinations and disaster risk.


Dr. Kaswanto, SP.MSi,  is an Associate Professor in Landscape Architecture Department at IPB University, Indonesia. He obtained his Doctoral degree from Hiroshima University in 2012.  He is currently the Deputy Director of Technology and Digitalization of Learning at IPB University. His research interest includes water resources management and landscape ecology.

RahmafitriaF., Kaswanto, MosyaftianiA. and WiyogaH. 2024. The Effect of Environmental Knowledge and Perceived Value on Visitor Experience in Forest Recreation . Media Konservasi. 29, 3 (Jul. 2024), 419. DOI:

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