Population of Rafflesia Patma at Leuweung Cipeucang Geopark Ciletuh Sukabumi

Ardika Eri Triana, Agus Hikmat, Sambas Basuni


Rafflesia is a largest flower in its species in the world. The main issues which threatened this species were cause by; the destruction of the
rainforest as its natural fragmentation habitat and for its land conversion moreover the lack of conservation effort and understanding from the
stakeholder. This plant belongs to endemic and protect species in Indonesia. This research purpose is to analyze Rafflesia patma population and
ecology at Leuweung Cipeucang Geopark Ciletuh Sukabumi. Purposive sampling was used to collect data in this research by using 1.000 meter plotplot
which involve Rafflesia patma population and ecological data. The population data covering size, shape, quantity and inflorescence phase of
Rafflesia patma while the ecological data covering the plant vegetation and physical habitat. 21 individual Rafflesia patma were found at Leweung
Cipeucang, and at the high of 196-217 m dpl Tetrastigma papilosum were located. Rafflesia patma population consists of 13% blooming flower, 9%
inanimate after blooming, 26% living knop, 52% dead knop. The Highest significant index value (INP) occur in seeding level and stake on Streblus
ilicifolius species from Moraceae Family with 58,5% INP value at seeding level, 28% at stake level, at the tree vegetation level occur at Ficus
tinctoria species from Moracea family with 37,45% INP value. The highest diversity index occurs on seeding level vegetation is at 9,54.
Keyword: Ciletuh Cipeucang, ekologi, populasi, Rafflesia


Ardika Eri Triana
ardika.eri.triana@gmail.com (Primary Contact)
TrianaA.E., HikmatA. and BasuniS. 2018. Population of Rafflesia Patma at Leuweung Cipeucang Geopark Ciletuh Sukabumi. Media Konservasi. 22, 2 (Jan. 2018), 196-204. DOI:https://doi.org/10.29244/medkon.22.2.196-204.

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