The Relationship between Seagrass Type Density and CO2 Emissions in Negeri Waai Waters, Salahutu District, Central Maluku Regency
Hubungan Kepadatan Jenis Lamun dengan Emisi CO2 di Perairan Negeri Waai Kec. Salahutu Kab. Maluku Tengah
Coastal communities produce both inorganic and organic domestic waste. The waste is partially retained and deposited in seagrass ecosystems and decomposed, which causes the release of CO2 gas. This study aims to analyze the relationship between seagrass density and CO2 gas emissions on the coast of Negeri Waai, Central Maluku Regency. The research method using a cylinder chamber and gas emission analysis refers to gas chromatography analysis (GC-MS) results. The results showed that the largest CO2 emission at station I was found in C. rotundata species at 55.91 mg/m2/hour and the lowest in E. acoroides species at 5.51 mg/m2/hour. While at stations II and III, the largest emissions were found in T. hemprichii species with values of 66.68 mg m2/hour and 33.57 mg/m2/hour, respectively. Meanwhile, the relationship of seagrass density of E. acoroides to CO2 emissions was formulated with y = 11.318x – 8.3343, and the level of correlation was very strong (r = 0.93). The same thing was seen in seagrasses C. rotundata and T. hemprichii with linear regression equations, respectively y = 14.284x + 10.751 (r = 0.9629) and y = 19.085x (r = 0.96 ). It shows that the denser the seagrass, the more organic matter can be decomposed to form CO2 emissions. In addition, high emissions can also be influenced by microalgae epiphytes that respirate, triggering an increase in CO2 emissions in the atmosphere.
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