Potensi Lamun Sebagai Penunjang Ekowisata Bahari di Pantai Ketapang, Desa Batu Menyan, Kecamatan Teluk Pandan, Kabupaten Pesawaran, Provinsi Lampung
The seagrass ecosystem is one of the most productive and important ecosystems. Seagrass ecosystems as ecology for marine biota, fishery production and marine tourism. Tourism is a form of utilizing natural resources for human satisfaction. This research was conducted in September 2021. The research location is on Ketapang Beach, Batu Menyan Village, Teluk Pandan District, Pesawaran Regency, Lampung Province. Ketapang Beach which is a coastal area is used by local residents and business people. In Ketapang Beach, two types of seagrass were found, namely Enhalus acoroides and Thallasia hemperichi. The physico-chemical conditions of the waters are still below the quality standard. The composition of the type of macrozoobenthos is divided into 3 classes, namely Class Gastropods, Bivalves and Asteriodea. The suitability index of the seagrass ecotourism area falls into the appropriate category. The carrying capacity of the seagrass environment is 90 people/day. Overall, Ketapang Beach is suitable for seagrass ecotourism.
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