Condition of Mangrove Bioecology and Their Management: Case Study of Pramuka Island Conservation Area, Karya Island and Panggang Island, Seribu Archipelago National Park
Kondisi Bioekologi Mangrove dan Pengelolaannya: Studi Kasus Kawasan Konservasi Pulau Pramuka, Pulau Karya dan Pulau Panggang, Taman Nasional Kepulauan Seribu
The effectiveness of mangrove management is highly dependent on the knowledge of the condition of mangrove and their environment, which are represented by the mangrove health index and the mangrove environmental quality index. This study aimed to analyze the ecological condition of mangroves in the SPTN III area (Karya Island, Panggang Island, and Pramuka Island) Kepulauan Seribu National Park (Balai Taman Nasional Kepulauan Seribu) area to determine the potential management strategy. This research was conducted in 2020. The analysis carried out were mangrove health and mangrove environmental quality. The Mangrove density in the sapling category throughout the island was very dense category, while the tree and seedling growth categories are only found in a few places. The value of the mangrove environmental quality indicate that the environmental quality of the mangroves in the three islands was in high category (good). The mangrove health index in the three islands in other hand was in low category (bad), though in some places mangroves showed high density. Based on these results, mangrove replantation is the strategy which is mostly recommended for SPTN III.
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