Model for Estimating Residents' Behavior in Disposing of Garbage in the Cisadane River
Model Penduga Perilaku Warga Membuang Sampah di Sungai Cisadane
Solid waste disposed from land that enters the oceans through rivers that do not go through TPA and TPS facilities, is not officially managed, resulting in an uncontrolled and unmanaged. Efforts to reduce the volume of waste in several places are closely related to community behavior, an effort to raise awareness and increase understanding is needed to encourage behavioral change that is carried out in stages, either through promotion or dissemination or continuous campaigning. This study aims to determine the decisions of residents who live on the edge of the Ciadane river regarding their daily habit of disposing of garbage. The method used is a survey to the research location and data collection through interviews with a questionnaire guide. Questionnaires will be deployed to represent settlements around the river and villages that are traversed by the cisadane river. The research sample was taken randomly / representing residents who lived on the riverbank as many as 120 respondents to represent the upstream, middle and downstream areas. Identifying factors that influence the decision to dispose of waste into the river were analyzed using ordinal logistic regression. The results of the ordinal logistic regression test showed partial simultaneous selection of TPS availability factors, TPS conditions, the role of community leaders and the impact of river waste showed a significant positive effect on the factors that influence the behavior of throwing garbage into the Cisadane river.
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