Frequency of Watching Television News about Deaths Due to COVID-19 Contributes to Student Anxiety in Tangerang City
This study deals with the widespread news of deaths due to COVID-19 on television to measure its impact. The purpose of this study was to determine the contribution of the intensity of the frequency of watching news broadcasts on deaths due to COVID-19 on television on the anxiety level of Tangerang city students. This research uses a positivistic paradigm with a survey method involving the reliability of network technology facilitated by Google Form. This research involves a number of detailed analyzes, starting from the Validity and Reliability Test of the research instrument, then continued with the Normality Test, Heteroscedasticity Test, and ends with the T Test as an answer to the research hypothesis. The results of this study indicate that there is a level of anxiety due to the spectacle of news of death due to COVID-19 with a fairly frequent frequency. In line with the Hypodermic Needle Theory and Cultivation Theory, which show the great power of television media, the intensive audience can imagine that it is actually happening to ourselves and/or those closest to us.The results indicate that the messages distributed by television regarding COVID-19 Pandemic is enough to affect the audiences. This is supported by their frequency in receiving COVID-19 information, which affects their anxiety level to the point behavioral changes are more noticable than usual.
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