LIPI Science Communication Strategy in Biological Organic Fertilizer Dissemination Activities to the Community
Research institutions in Indonesia have an important role in improving knowledge, skills, and the economy of the community through the use of research results. However, until now, the results of domestic research have not been well disseminated. One of the factors that influence it is the not yet optimal collaboration between researchers and public relations as science communicators in communicating research results to the public. This study uses qualitative method with case study approach of dissemination of Beyonic Startmik-LIPI Biological Organic Fertilizer in 2021. The study used the primary data source of conversations between researchers and publicists through whatsapp media. Interview techniques are conducted online through zoom meetings. In analyzing conversations between researchers and public relations, this study uses Coordinated Meaning Management Theory. Secondary data sources are obtained through dissemination activity report documents as well as POH Beyonic Startmik-LIPI news on the website. The results showed the communication strategy of public relations and researchers in the dissemination activities of POH Beyonik Startmik through three stages, namely: (1) the preparation stage includes coordinating schedule information and confirmation of resource persons, (2) the implementation stage shall include coordinating the preparation of the trip and the presentation method, (3) the evaluation stage shall include coordinating the preparation of news content.
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