Comparison Study Pornography Consumption Behaviour Among Adolescent Based on Sex Differences
The Ministry of Communication and Information throughout 2019 showed that pornographic content were the most widely complained of a total of 1,002,754 complaints. Many studies report on the behavior of pornography consumption and the results show many differences regarding the type and frequency of consumption by men and women. Teenagers are the dominant age in internet consumption in Indonesia. Thus, the study was conducted at one of the state junior high schools in Bandung. The method used in this study is quantitative method using the chi-square comparison test. The sampling technique is multistage random sampling. The results showed 99 percent of adolescents had consumed pornographic content. Differences in consumption of pornography are found in the type of media and content consumed, the source of the platform used, the type of pornographic characteristics. Whereas the frequency, place of access, and colleagues who did not consume when found no difference.
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