Komunikasi Pembangunan dalam Pendampingan Komunitas Peternak Sapi Perah
The assistance of the dairy farmers community in implementing the use of herbal probiotics as an innovation program requires communication. This program is a behavior change program in dairy farming by farmers. The communication needed is intensive between companion and community. This is an interaction between the two because of cooperation. Collaboration because of the same interest, so it must be communicated. It also requires communication that can lead to collective action, because there is participation in the process of change / development. Communication is a feature of development communication. Therefore, the aim of the study is to explain development communication in the assistance of the community of dairy farmers. The method used is qualitative research methods. The study was conducted in the village of Nogosaren, Getasan sub-district, Semarang Regency. The sampling technique uses purposive sampling. The population is 932 breeders, which are used to attract informants as research samples. The technique of collecting data using in-depth interviews. The results of the study indicate that the interaction between companion and community requires a centralized model of communication to collaborate. There are three main elements in centralized communication, which are contained in mentoring activities. Mentoring activities about program socialization are elements of physical reality. Mentoring activities on identifying community problems, awareness of farmers to improve livestock cultivation, application of herbal probiotic innovations including supporting elements of use and how to procure supporting elements, are elements of psychological reality. Mentoring activities on community agreements in the implementation of procurement of support for the use and use of herbal probiotics are an element of social reality. In social reality, there is a community's interest in engaging in activities that are not separated from their basic needs, namely, increasing milk yields to increase income. Discussion of research results; development communication, which is communication for change, is needed in every assistance. All realities which are the main elements are used to convey information needed by the community, educational efforts for the community, increasing knowledge and increasing skills to be able to implement the program. The four stages carried out by the companion contained communication. The conclusion of the study is development communication or communication for change using a centralized communication model. This model colors the entire farmer community assistance activities, because in the mentoring steps there are elements of a centralized communication model, namely physical, psychological and social reality.
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