The utilization of local food commodities such as corn and cassava with seaweed addition as a dietary fiber source for producing artificial rice through extrusion technology is an alternative for food diversification. The research was carried out to find out the best composition (rice, corn, cassava, and seaweed) and temperature of extrusion process on making artificial rice and the influence of dietary fibre on sensory properties and physicochemical. The composition of rice, corn, and cassava in proportion of 1:3:1 with 20% seaweed, Eucheuma cottonii, addition and temperature extruder of 90 °C were selected as the best product for artificial rice. The sensory evaluation was 8.02±0.21 (people’s preference). In physicochemical properties, dietary fiber significantly affected on low bulk density and starch digestibility. This condition is very good for health especially in maintaining the stability of blood glucose in the body.
Keywords: artificial rice, composition, extrusion, seaweed, dietary fibre, temperature
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