Comparison of ARIMA and LSTM Methods in Predicting Jakarta Sea Level

Yanuar Nurul Hilal, Gibson Daniel Andrianto Nainggolan, Sabilla Hamda Syahputri, Fitri Kartiasih


As a coastal city, Jakarta faces enormous risks from sea level rise brought on by climate change, and it is critical to create efficient plans to anticipate and minimize any potential negative effects. Predictive modeling is essential in addressing this challenge in order to anticipate and mitigate any potential negative effects of sea level rise. Therefore, research was conducted with the aim of comparing the performance of two prediction methods, namely Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM). Sea level was predicted using both techniques up to the end of 2023. Performance indicators, including Mean Absolute Error (MAE), Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE), and Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), were employed to assess the quality of both prediction models. The result shows that the ARIMA (1,1,4) model is more effective in predicting sea level than the LSTM. The MAE, MAPE, and RMSE values for ARIMA (1,1,4) are 7.19, 4.86%, and 10.35, respectively. In the meantime, the sea level in Jakarta is predicted to remain reasonably steady, according to the forecasted findings from both models. This study is expected to make a significant contribution to understanding and mitigating the potential impacts of sea level rise in Jakarta as a result of climate change.


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Yanuar Nurul Hilal
Gibson Daniel Andrianto Nainggolan
Sabilla Hamda Syahputri
Fitri Kartiasih (Primary Contact)
HilalY. N., NainggolanG. D. A., SyahputriS. H., & KartiasihF. (2024). Comparison of ARIMA and LSTM Methods in Predicting Jakarta Sea Level. Jurnal Ilmu Dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis, 16(2), 163-178.

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