Blue Swimming Crab Enlargement Technique: Insight from Small-Scale Fishery in the South Coast of Pamekasan, Madura Island

Lailatul Qomariyah, Muhammad Wijdan Taqiyuddin, Mohamad Bagus Satria, Kuncoro Catur Nugroho, Wita Setioko


Pagagan Village, Pademawu District, and especially members of the "Berkah Capit Biru" fishermen, had the potential to carry out the sustainability of blue swimming crab because of the abundant crab fisheries. The purpose of this research was to encourage fishermen to not always carry out crab fishing activities in nature so nature remained sustainable and to increase the potential of natural and human resources who were enthusiastic about crab enlargement in Pagagan village. This research was conducted from January to May 2022. The crab breeding location measured 8x10 meters, had a substrate of muddy sand, and was in a coastal area bordering a mangrove ecosystem. Wooden stakes woven with bamboo with a netting around them were set higher than the wave. This enlargement technique did not use aeration in the form of wheels but only utilized tidal conditions so that periodic water changes occurred at the site. The stages in the crab enlargement technique are 1) site selection, 2) construction, 3) spreading seeds, 4) feeding, 5) controlling, and 6) harvesting. This enlargement technique is a solution for crab fishermen to meet market stocks.

Keywords: blue swimming crab, enlargement technique, small-scale fishery


Lailatul Qomariyah
Muhammad Wijdan Taqiyuddin
Mohamad Bagus Satria (Primary Contact)
Kuncoro Catur Nugroho
Wita Setioko
Lailatul Qomariyah, Muhammad Wijdan Taqiyuddin, Mohamad Bagus Satria, Kuncoro Catur Nugroho, & Wita Setioko. (2023). Blue Swimming Crab Enlargement Technique: Insight from Small-Scale Fishery in the South Coast of Pamekasan, Madura Island. Jurnal Ilmu Dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis, 15(3), 341-348.

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