Distribution of Sediment Fractions and Organic Matter in Lampung Bay Distribution of Sediment Fractions and Organic Matter in Lampung Bay
Sediment deposition in waters is considerably influenced by coastal processes causing variations in their physical and chemical characteristics. This study reveals the size composition of sediments and organic matter in Lampung Bay sediments how deposition processes occurAnalysis of the sediment fraction was carried out based on the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standards D422-63, while the organic matter was carried out using the loss on ignition (LOI) method. The silt sand fraction (75.95-78.73%) and clay fraction (18.27-20.28%) have a higher percentage than the sand fraction (3.00-3.81%). Then, the organic content in the sediments of Lampung Bay waters ranges from 10.67-13.48%. The distribution of sediment and organic matter fractions in the waters of Lampung Bay was not significantly different between stations, which means that stations near the head of the bay (TL 1 and TL 2) had a percentage of sediment and organic matter fractions that were not significantly different from stations in the middle or towards the mouth of the bay (TL 3-TL5).
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