Spatial Analysis of Coastal Change and Disaster Mitigation on Masakambing Island, Sumenep Regency
Masakambing Island is one of the small islands in Sumenep Regency which has its own uniqueness and beauty. Small islands easily experience changes, one of which is changes in coastlines. The aim of this research is to determine the changes that occur along the coast and mitigation efforts by utilizing hydro-oceanographic parameters. Measurements of coastline changes were obtained from digitization results using the Normalized Different Water Index (NDWI) method with structural and non-structural mitigation efforts based on the parameter data taken. Wind parameters are dominated from the southeast and east with speeds ranging from 0.09 m/s - 22.75 m/s. The wave parameter values obtained were between 0.25 m – 0.83, while the current parameters ranged between 0.006 m/s – 0.642 m/s with the Formhazal number values showing 1.5 – 1.8. The wind was blowing cool and strong, as was the wave height in the slight category. The current flows southwest from the north of the island to the east. Single daily mixed Tide Type. The reduction in the area of Masakambing Island ranges from 0.063 km2 – 1.933 km2. Mitigation efforts that can be considered structurally include creating breakwaters and revetments, strengthening coastal buildings and planting vegetation. Non-structural mitigation that can be carried out includes creating standardization policies for disaster-resistant buildings, exploration and economic activity policies, public awareness as well as counseling and outreach regarding disaster mitigation.
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