Penerapan Metode Migrasi Beda Hingga pada Data Seismik Post Stack di Utara Laut Bali Perairan Utara Bali Implementation of Finite Difference Migration Method on Post Stack Seismic Data at the Northern Bali Sea
Field seismic data obtained during the marine survey at the Northern Bali Sea contained complex geological structures such as flat and steep-dip seabed and velocity perpendicular to the direction of motion (lateral velocity) variation. This study aims to implement the best finite difference algorithm namely fast explicit, steep dip and implicit migrations in yielding more accurate migrated seismic image with true reflection point of dipping structures. Finite difference method is a method which is applied to find differential operators in wave equations explicitly or implicitly. It is carried out after going through the stacking velocity stage, in which this stage produces the results of the interval velocity of seismic wave travel time on depth interval (Vint)model needed as input to carry out the finite difference process. Post-stack Implicit Finite Difference Time Migration algorithm shows the most accurate migrated seismic image with noise suppression of bandpass frequency results. It improves signal to noise ratio and image quality of migrated seismic section.
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