The waters of the Banyuasin north Peninsula are areas that are directly adjacent the Bangka Strait and Sembilang National Park and have several activities such as settlements, fisheries and ports that can affect the growth and abundance of the zooplankton population. Zooplankton has an important role in waters, as an indicator and a food web system that can affect other high trophic level organisms. This study aims to determine the abundance and spatial distribution of zooplankton in the waters of the northern peninsula of Banyuasin using the hydroacoustic method. The study was carried out in October 2020 using the SIMRAD EK-15 single beam echosounder instrument in the waters of the northern peninsula of Banyuasin. The abundance value of zooplankton was obtained from the recording of acoustic data in the form of Volume Backscattering Strength (SV) and Target Strength (TS) values. The results showed differences in abundance between the time of observation and the water depth strata. The amount of zooplankton abundance during the day is dominant from 1000-1500 ind/m3 with a maximum value of 3595 ind/m3 and at night 400-800 ind/m3 with the highest zooplankton abundance value is 2213 ind/m3. The spatial distribution of zooplankton abundance tends to group according to the behavior of the zooplankton and the presence of current factors that have the potential to determine the path of movement of zooplankton in the waters.
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