Suko Ismi, Deny Suhermawan Yusup, Sephia Anjani


Copepod is a natural food that has a small size in the nauplii stage and high nutritional value. Suitable as initial feed for marine fish larvae with small mouth openings. The research aims to know the harvest of copepods from Genus Acartia in mass culture to feed larvae in marine fish seed production. The research was conducted in 2020 at the Institute for Mariculture Research and Fisheries Extension, Gondol-Bali. The first study was divided into two steps to determine the growth pattern of copepods as a harvest reference in the second study, which was the culture in 3 jars of 10 L. The second was to determine the number of copepods harvested in mass culture as a feed supply. Culture using three fiber tanks volume 1,000 L, Inoculation was given copepodite stage with a density of 50 ind/L and given artificial feed and rearing until the density decreases. Based on the pattern of density growth from the first study, the copepod harvest in the second study began on the eighth day. The highest harvest of the nauplii stage was reached on the seventeenth day with 184.7 ind/L the copepodite stage of 4,4 ind/L. The results of copepod culture are not sufficiently used as the main feed for mass larval production and can only be used as a feed mixture to add nutritional larvae.


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Suko Ismi
sukoismi@yahoo.com (Primary Contact)
Deny Suhermawan Yusup
Sephia Anjani
IsmiS., YusupD. S., & AnjaniS. (2021). OBSERVATION OF GROWTH OF COPEPOD AS A NATURAL FOOD SUPPLY. Jurnal Ilmu Dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis, 13(2), 261-268. https://doi.org/10.29244/jitkt.v13i2.35454

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