Sustainable marine spatial planning in small islands requires a more comprehensive management strategy. Unsustainable use problems and issues in both land and seascape need a strategic formulation to manage Tiworo Small Island in the future. This study aimed to formulate the strategy for sustainable marine spatial planning of the Tiworo Small Islands. The rapid Appraisal for Land Use (Raplanduse) method was used to assess the sustainability and sensitivity of the attributes used in this study. The formulation of management strategies was carried out based on the levels of influence and dependence on sensitive attributes analyzed by the prospective analysis method. The results showed that the sustainable use of small islands in the Tiworo Islands varied, ranging from good, bad to less sustainable. Sensitive attributes observed in the ecological dimension were suspended solid materials and seawater surface temperature. In the social dimension, the sensitive attributes assessed were the conflict incidence among residents and human resources. Attributes observed in the economic dimension were income level, availability of business capital, and fisheries catch production. In the legal and institutional dimensions, the sensitive attributes observed were land ownership status and area zoning. Strategic management was developed based on these sensitive attributes, including increasing community adaptation capacity, controlling land-use in watershed areas in the mainland, developing business diversification, regulating spatial utilization, and improving the quality of human resources.
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