Fluktuasi Angin dan Curah Hujan Periode 2012-2020 dan Dampaknya terhadap Produksi Ikan di Pelabuhan Paotere Makassar The Fluctuation of Wind and Rainfall Within the Period of 2012-2020 and its Impact on Fish Production in Paotere Fishing Port of Makassar
The highly variable rainfall forms seasonal patterns in various regions in Indonesia. Wind and rainfall are two weather factors that determine decision making in fishing and other activities around the port, one of which is Paotere Port as the largest port in Makassar City. Fishing activities provide opportunities for fishermen to get catches and profits for fishermen, but can also cause losses due to high operational costs. This study aims to reveal whether seasonal fluctuations in wind and rainfall affect fish production for fishermen based in Pangkalan Landing Fish (PPI) Paotere, Makassar. This research was carried out using secondary data collection methods related to wind and rainfall from the Paotere Class II Maritime Meteorological Station. Fish production data were collected from the UPTD PPI Paotere and the Makassar City Marine and Fisheries Office. The research results indicate a significant difference in fish production at PPI Paotere Makassar influenced by rainfall and wind.
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