Nindita Eka Setyahandani, Fredinan Yulianda, Gatot Yulianto


Tunda Island has coastal and marine resources that can be utilized for marine tourism activities. Based on 2017 Zoning Plan, a study of Tunda Island’s resources potentials are needed to determine suitability and carrying capacity for conservation-based island tourism activities. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the suitability and carrying capacity of Tunda Island as beach, mangrove, diving and snorkeling tourism. Analysis method used in this research is spatial analysis. The results of the suitability analysis and carrying capacity show that Tunda Island has the appropriate category (S2) for beach, mangrove, diving and snorkeling tourism activities with a beach tourism suitability value of 2.14, mangrove tourism 2, diving tourism 2.25 and snorkeling tourism 2.43. Carrying capacity analysis showed 776 people/day for beach tourism, 80 day/person for mangrove tourism, 562 people/day for snorkeling tourism and 587 people/day for diving tourism. Total carrying capacity of tourism activity in Tunda Island is 2005 people/day.


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Nindita Eka Setyahandani (Primary Contact)
Fredinan Yulianda
Gatot Yulianto
SetyahandaniN. E., YuliandaF., & YuliantoG. (2021). RESOURCES POTENTIAL AND MARINE TOURISM CARRYING CAPACITY OF TUNDA ISLAND, SERANG, BANTEN. Jurnal Ilmu Dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis, 13(1), 71-80.

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