The health of coral reef ecosystems can be seen through the emergence of coral recruitment. Aim of this research was to compared the scleractinia coral recruitment list based on genus, life form, and variations in size of the scleractinia coral recuit in the waters of Kampung Baru Lagoi and Teluk Bakau Village, Bintan Regency by geomorfology zone. The research was conducted using a Purposive sampling method in consideration of the presence of scleractinia coral in reef flat and reef slope areas using a 1x1 m square frame mounted along a 70 m transverse line parallel to the shoreline. Research has found 164 colonies of 24 genus dominated by Favia and Favites. Based on the most extensive life form of Coral encrusting and Coral massive variations in size 4.5-6 cm or medium category. The results of t-test showed that the geomorphological differences in the research locations did not have a significant impact on the abundance of corals recruitment.
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