The ethnobotanical study is useful for analyzing the quantitative utilization of the species and parts of the mangrove plants, based on the Index of cultural significance (ICS) in the coastal communal. Research sites were Mangrove Tourism Park Oesapa Village, Manikin Beach, Sulamanda Beach Mata Air Village, and Kelapa Tinggi village in Tarus Subdistrict, Oebelo village also Pariti village. The data collection uses field survey methods, observation, and semi-structured interview techniques about plants, plant parts used, and processing methods. Interview results obtained 6 (six) species of major mangrove species: Avicennia marina, Sonneratia alba, Bruguiera parviflora, Ceriops tagal, Rhizophora apiculata, and R. mucronata, and 1 (one) associate mangrove species: Nypa fruticans. Based on ICS values, R. mucronata has the highest ICS value of 708 as an environmental indicator (340), building materials (320) and firewood (48). A. marina, with ICS scores of 114 uses for medicines (108), and S. alba the ICS is 54, especially as betel substitute (12). The community uses the mangroves as environmental indicators, firewood and construction materials, medicines, agricultural activities, related to myths, betel substitutes, making salt, boat materials, syrup, and livestock feed.
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