Ecotourism is one of the efforts which can be developed for the sustainability of mangrove ecosystems.This study aims to assess the suitability and carrying capacity of the mangrove ecosystem so it can be used as a reference in making policies. This study was conducted in October-December 2019 at Pannikiang Island, Barru Regency, South Sulawesi Province. The data were analyzed using a matrix of tourism suitability index (IKW), spatial analysis with a Geographic Information System (GIS) approach followed by an assessment of the carrying capacity of the region (DDK) to determine the maximum number of visitors that could be accommodated. The result shows that the IKW of the study location with highly suitable is 6.73 ha and 22.03 ha fall into the appropriate category so that the total IKW obtained was 28.76 ha. The length area that can be utilized for tracking activity is 1793.45 m with the carrying capacity of mangrove ecotourism is 287 people/day with consideration of the tourism duration for each visitor (open 8 hours/day). Pannikiang Island as a whole is included in the appropriate category for ecotourism with a capacity of tourists in the good category and does not exceed the maximum threshold allowed. Therefore, the recommendation for policy submission is supposed to set down the regulations regarding mangrove ecosystem management.
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