The supporting factor in creating a fish production database system is Law number 45 of 2009 about fisheries, article 46, paragraphs 1 and 2. The problem in Sukabumi Regency is the Marine and Fisheries Service does not have a fish production database system based on a website that includes Fish Landing Base. This study aims to develop a fish production database system in the fishing port class D (PPI). The method used in this research is the prototyping method. The superiority of fish production database systems based on the website can integrate the calculations from fish production per month so that there is no need to calculate or input data on fish production per year. Based on the results of the research, the fish production database system based on the website includes four fishing port (PPI) in Palabuhanratu Bay, including PPI Cisolok, PPI Ciwaru, PPI Ujung Genteng, and PPI Mina Jaya. Investors, fishermen, fish industry, researchers, and the general public can access fish production data and information on the website through the fish production menu per month, fish production menu per year, fish production menu for several years.
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