The success on aquaculture of tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) in Oensuli Village will be achieved if its location meets the criteria for tiger shrimp aquaculture. Therefore, it is important to conduct this research to find out the level of suitability of the actual land of tiger shrimp aquaculture that is managed with high, and low production in Oensuli Village, Muna Regency. The method used is to compare the measurement results or the results of data analysis with the eligibility criteria/land quality for tiger shrimp aquaculture. The results of this study indicate that several parameters are categorized enough suitable, such as temperature values of 30-35 oC, the brightness of 24-30 cm, and tidal difference of 2.93 m. The level of actual land suitability of tiger prawn ponds in Oensuli Village, Muna Regency, is generally in enough suitable category (S2a1.2h) and can still support tiger prawn cultivation activities.
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