Intan Sari Dewi, Tri Prartono, Ali Arman, Alan Frendy Koropitan


The sustainability of mangrove ecosystems is an important aspect because it is related to the decreasing or addition of sediment accumulation such as abrasion and accretion processes. Mangroves in Tanjung Batu have decreased since 2001-2010 due to community activities such as logging, clearing land for ponds and oil palm plantations. This study aims to estimate of mangrove sediment accumulation rate in Tanjung Batu. The study was conducted in February-July 2018. Sampling was carried out at 3 stations including identification of mangrove species, measurement of diameter at breast height (DBH) and sediment corring used stainless pipes. Sediment samples were cut based on intervals 5 cm (depth 0-15 cm), and intervals 2 cm (depth 48-50 cm) used as supported Pb-210 (Stations 1 and 3). Station 5 is cut at intervals of 4, 6 and 8 cm (depths 1-50 cm). Samples analysis using alpha spectrometer to determine radioisotope Pb-210. Determination of sediment age and sediment accumulation rate using the Constant Rates of Supply (CRS) model. The results showed that the rate of sediment accumulation in the last 20 years (1998-2018) ranged 0.09-0.20 g cm-2 years-1. The highest accumulation rate at Station 1 which is location with the oldest age and mangrove density in DBH > 5 cm, while the lowest accumulation rate is at Station 5 which has the youngest sediment age and mangroves in DBH < 5 cm.


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Intan Sari Dewi (Primary Contact)
Tri Prartono
Ali Arman
Alan Frendy Koropitan
Author Biography

Intan Sari Dewi, Program Studi Ilmu Kelautan, Sekolah Pascasarjana, IPB University, Bogor


DewiI. S., PrartonoT., ArmanA., & KoropitanA. F. (2020). MANGROVE SEDIMENT ACCUMULATION RATE IN TANJUNG BATU, KEPULAUAN DERAWAN, EAST BORNEO. Jurnal Ilmu Dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis, 12(2), 327-340.

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