Lamteng Bay has a very large ecosystem potential. The potential of this large seagrass also supports the abundance of fisheries resources in the area. This study aims to determine the diversity of seagrasses. This research was conducted in December 2018, where the determination of observation stations using the purposive sampling method is based on observations covering the area contained a pier, both small and large docks. The data analysis used is the percentage of seagrass cover (C), density of seagrass species (Di), and seagrass diversity (H'), and to see indicators of the presence of feeding trail left by dugongs and suspecting seagrass preferences which is a favorite dugong as food. The results showed that the composition of seagrass species found in Lamteng Bay waters consisted of three species (Cymodocea serrulata, Halodule pinifolia, Halophila ovalis). The highest seagrass cover by H. pinifolia species was 67.84%, followed by C. serrulata 44.79% and the lowest was H. ovalis species 2.21%. As a whole station, H. pinifolia species have a higher density value compared to the two other seagrass species with values ranging from 55-316 ind/m2. Seagrass diversity is relatively low with values ranging from 0-0.9. The three species of seagrass found were a source of food for the Dugong dugon which was included in his favorite seagrass preference category.
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