Holothuria scabra, Holothuria atra, and Bohadschia marmorata are sea cucumber species with very diverse habitat and commonly dominant than other species. This study aims to analyze the density and growth pattern sea cucumbers of Holothuria scabra, Holothuria atra, and Bohadschia marmorata and their association with seagrass Ambon, Osi, and Marsegu Island. The association of sea cucumber and seagrass was analyzed using Correspondence Analysis (CA). The research was conducted in October 2019 to November 2019. Sampling was carried out at three stations representing each location by using a 1m2 quadrant. The results show that sea cucumber density ranged from 4.0 to 6.6 ind/100 m2. Overall, sea cucumber's growth pattern is a negative allometric of which the length growth is faster than the weight growth. Thalassia hemprichii is one of the seagrass species with the highest density (64407 ind/100 m2), while Halodule pinifolia has the lowest density (900 ind/100 m2). The result of the correspondence analysis showed that there is three association group between sea cucumber and seagrass. The overall result shows that seagrass density affects the density and distribution of sea cucumber.
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