Ketut Maha Setiawati, Daniar Kusumawati, Yasmina Nirmala Asih, Bejo Slamet


Nursery of groupers is often perfomed in concrete tanks and hatcheries, however it is also possible to be conducted at the sea in cages or in earthen pondsThis study aimed to evaluate growth and nutrition contents of coral trout under 3 different environments: sea cage, pond and tanks. Coral trout with the average size of 6.56±0.52 cm and weight of 4.48±1.04 gwere reared with the density of 50 fish/cage. The volume of the cage was 1x1x1 m with the mesh size of 4 mm. The treatments were reared of coral trout in sea cages (A), in ponds (B) and in tanks (C) with the duration of 90 days. Commercial pellet containing protein 48% was fed to the fish twice a day, morning and afternoon. The results showed that survival and growth of total length the fish nursed in those 3 different environments were not significantly different (p>0.05). However, growth of weight was significantly different among treatments with the highest growth from treatment C (23.12±2.9 g), then followed by treatment A (8.43±2.13 g) and B (12.58±2.58 g). Protein contents of fish among treatments were not significantly different. Calorie contents of fish, both treatment C and B were significantly higher than those of treatment A. To sum up, nursery of coral trout in controlled tanks was likely to increase weight 1,84 times than pond 2.74 times than sea cage.


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Ketut Maha Setiawati (Primary Contact)
Daniar Kusumawati
Yasmina Nirmala Asih
Bejo Slamet
SetiawatiK. M., KusumawatiD., AsihY. N., & SlametB. (2020). GROWTH AND NUTRITION CONTENTS OF CORAL TROUT Plectropomus leopardus REARED IN THE SEA CAGES, PONDS, AND TANKS. Jurnal Ilmu Dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis, 12(1), 247-256.

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