The summer Asian monsoon (onset summer of Asia monsoon) occurs in June-July-August. The sea around Simeulue Island, Aceh, is affected by upwelling from the Indian Ocean. Within this period the effect of the carbon dioxide gas cycle between the sea and air in the area around the Island is predicted. The 2017 #coastal chapter Widya Nusantara (EWIN) Expedition Survey conducted in conjunction with the Research Center for Oceanography (P2O) LIPI in July 2017 obtained data on temperature, salinity and partial pressure of CO2 gas in the sea (pCO2 Sea). The objective is to investigate the ocean-atmosphere interaction and to determine the source or sink of carbon around the Island. The CO2 data in the atmosphere obtained from the Bukit Kototabang Global Atmospheric Monitoring Station, West Sumatra. By calculating CO2 flux between sea and air, the results show that the western region of the island acts as carbon sinks with a flux value of -0.05 mol C / m2 days to -0.25 mol C / m2 days. Meanwhile in the eastern region of the island roles as carbon source with a flux value of 0.05 mol C/m2 day to 0.2 mol C/m2 day. The value of positive/negative flux means that the sea releases/absorbs carbon into the air, respectively.
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