Udang vaname di Kabupaten Purworejo khususnya Kecamatan Grabag memiliki prospek pasar bagus, hal ini menjadikan budidaya tambak udang vaname menjadi peluang yang sangat besar. Seiring berjalannya kegiatan budidaya udang vaname, perlu diperhatikan aspek kelayakan lahan. Penelitian dilakukan dengan tujuan menganalisa kelayakan lahan budidaya tambak udang vaname (Litopenaeus vannamei) di lahan pesisir Kabupaten Purworejo. Penelitian ini difokuskan pada dua lokasi yaitu tambak pesisir desa Ketawangrejo dan Harjobinangun, Kecamatan Grabag Kabupaten Purworejo menggunakan analisis kelayakan lahan dengan metode scoring. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kelangsungan hidup dan produksi tergolong cukup tinggi yaitu 90,16% dan 950 kg/0,10 ha untuk tambak pesisir desa Ketawangrejo, dan 81,00% dan 2.825 kg/0,21 ha untuk tambak pesisir desa Harjobinangun. Tingginya nilai kelangsungan hidup dan produksi yang diperoleh berkaitan dengan aspek bioteknis seperti lokasi dan konstruksi tambak, sarana dan prasarana serta sistem budidaya yang termasuk dalam kategori cukup sesuai (S2) baik.
Shrimp vaname in Purworejo Regency, especially Grabag Subdistrict, has good market prospects, this makes the cultivation of vaname shrimp ponds an enormous opportunity. Along with the passage of vaname shrimp farming activities, it is necessary to pay attention to feasibility aspects. The study was conducted with the aim of analyzing the feasibility of vaname shrimp farms (Litopenaeus vannamei) on coastal land in Purworejo District. This study focused on two locations namely coastal ponds Ketawangrejo village and Harjobinangun, Grabag District Purworejo Regency using land feasibility analysis using the scoring method. The results showed that survival and production were quite high, namely 90,16% and 950 kg / 0,10 ha for coastal ponds in Ketawangrejo village, and 81,00% and 2.825 kg / 0,21 ha for coastal ponds in the village of Harjobinangun. The high value of survival and production obtained relates to biotechnical aspects such as the location and construction of ponds, facilities and infrastructure as well as cultivation systems which are included in the category of good enough (S2).
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