Research on mangrove mapping at the Liong River Bengkalis Riau Province was very limited, therefore the spatial data availability of mangrove in Liong River is also very limited. The use of satellite remote sensing to map mangrove has become widespread as it can provide accurate, effecient, and repeatable assessments. The purposed of this study was to map mangrove at the community level using sentinel 2B imagery based on object-based classification method (OBIA) and it compared pixel-based classification at Liong River, Bengkalis, Riau Provinc. This study was used support vector machine (SVM) algorithm. The scheme classification use is that land cover and mangrove community. The classification data of land cover was collected using unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) and community mangrove was using transect data of 2013. The result of land cover classification and community mangrove indicated that object-based classification technique was better than pixel-based classification. The highest an overall accuracy of land cover is 78.7% versus 70.9%, whereas mangrove community is 76.6 versus 75.0%. Approximately 7.8% increase in accuracy can be achieved by object-based method of classification for land cover and 1.6% for mangrove community.
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