Squid attractor made of PVC pipe proved to be very effective as a means or attaching squid eggs, and could be play a role as an artificial reef which become new areas for fish, soft coral and macroalgae to become a new ecosystem in a waters. The purpose of this study was to determine the number of fish associated with squid attractor as well as know the type of squid attractor who has the best performance. This research used 2 types of squid attractor, Type 1 (T1) and Type 2 (T2). The census method was used in this research using Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) underwater "SENU". Reef fishes were observed within and around the squid attractor in each hour, with the observed outer distance of the squid attractor approximately 50 cm. The result showed that average of fish associated in each hour with squid atractors T1 were 298 individuals and T2 were 281 individuals in 67 species and 25 families Target species that has the largest percentage value associated with squid attractors, and indicator species has a fairly large percentage value on squid atractors T1 compared to T2.
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