Bangka Selatan memiliki potensi keanekaragaman lamun yang tinggi, tetapi informasi yang berkaitan dengan sebaran spesies dan kondisi komunitas lamun masih belum banyak diketahui. Tujuan penelitian yaitu menentukan jumlah spesies, sebaran dan kondisi komunitas lamun di Bangka Selatan. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Juni 2016 sampai Mei 2017. Lokasi penelitian dilakukan di beberapa wilayah Bangka Selatan, Kepulauan Bangka Belitung. Sebaran dan jumlah spesies lamun ditentukan berdasarkan gabungan data primer dan data sekunder. Pengambilan data kondisi padang lamun meliputi data tutupan dan kerapatan lamun dilakukan menggunakan transek kuadrat berukuran 50 cm x 50 cm. Hasil penelitian di Bangka Selatan ditemukan sebanyak 10 spesies lamun. Sebaran lamun meliputi Pantai Tanjung Kerasak (9 spesies), Pulau Lepar (8 spesies), Pesisir Desa Tukak (8 spesies), Pulau Anak Air (5 spesies), Pantai Puding dan Pulau Kelapan ditemukan hanya 4 spesies. Kondisi padang lamun di Bangka Selatan dengan kerapatan yaitu 633,37 tegakan/m2sampai 1066,76 tegakan/m2. Rata-rata persentase tutupan lamun yaitu 29,61% dikategorikan miskin.
South Bangka has a high potential for seagrass diversity, but information relating to the distribution of species and the condition of seagrass communities is still not widely understood. The research objective was to determine the number of species, distribution and conditions of seagrass communities in South Bangka. The research was conducted in June 2016 until May 2017. The location of the research was carried out in several areas of South Bangka, Bangka Belitung Islands. The distribution and number of seagrass species was determined based on a combination of primary data and secondary data. Data collection of seagrass condition includes seagrass coverage and density carried out using quadratic transect measuring 50 cm x 50 cm. The results of research in South Bangka found 10 species of seagrass. Seagrass distribution includes Tanjung Kerasak Beach (9 species), Lepar Island (8 species), Coastal Tukak Village (8 species), Anak Air Island (5 species), Puding Beach and Kelapan Island found only 4 species. Seagrass conditions in South Bangka with a density of 633.37 stands/m2 to 1066.76 stands/m2. The average percentage of seagrass cover is 29.61% which is categorized as poor.
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