Potensi Hasil Benih Padi Hibrida pada Tiga Galur CMS dengan Sumber Sitoplasma yang Berbeda
F1 hybrid rice was produced by crossing the cytoplasmic male sterile (CMS) line and restorer (R) line. Kalinga and Gambiaca are CMS line types that have been successfully developed in Indonesia other than Wild Abortive (WA). This study aimed to determine the effect of female parents with different cytoplasmic sources on hybrid seed yield in 30 new hybrid rice combinations. The experiment was conducted at ICRR, West Java in DS 2021, using a factorial design of three CMS lines crossed with ten R lines, with 10 replications for the CMS lines and three replications for the restorer lines. Analysis of variance for yield components and yield was performed separately between CMS and restorer lines, following a single factor linear model. GMJ15A Gambiaca type had a similar average seed yield (1.03 ton ha-1) with GMJ12A WA type
(0.85 ton ha-1) and significantly higher than GMJ14A Kalinga type (0.51 ton ha-1), while the best restorer line was PK90 (1.36 ton ha-1). Plant height, filled grain number per panicle, and outcrossing rate levels had a positive and significant correlation with hybrid seed yield. CMS lines of Gambiaca cytoplasmic type could be the female parent alternative of hybrid rice in Indonesia.
Keywords: outcrossing, restorer, seed production