Seleksi Galur-galur Dihaploid Padi Hitam pada Uji Daya Hasil Lanjutan
Black rice becomes a source of carbohydrate with health benefits. Yield trial is an important step for the success of black rice breeding. This study aimed at obtaining information on agronomic performance of doubled haploid lines of black rice and selecting the best doubled haploid black rice lines with good agronomic characters and high yielding for multi-location yield trials. This study was conducted from November 2019 until July 2020 in Bogor, West Java and Malang, East Java. Twenty-three doubled haploid black rice lines and three check varieties namely Aek Sibundong, Jeliteng, and Inpari 24 were used as plant genetic materials. This study was arranged in a randomized complete block design with three replications for each treatment. The result revealed that interaction of genotype and environment was significant on all observed traits except on grain filling period according to analysis of variance. Fourteen doubled haploid rice lines were selected based on weighted selection index. These lines showed number of productive tillers per hill ranged from 15.8 to 25.9, early maturity from 115.2 to 121.9 days after sowing, and high productivity (>5.4 ton ha-1). The agronomic performance and yield of the doubled haploid rice lines selected in this study required further testing through a multi-site test to obtain a candidate for new high yielding variety for black rice.
Keywords: good agronomic, rice anther culture, selection criteria, selection index